
Night changes video
Night changes video

Having no regrets is all that she really wants" as they are chasing the the night, she is having doubts about the life with him and his vow to stay with her forever, which implies that she's probably been hurt a lot before from past relationships and been put in similar situations with ex's as she is now with her current boyfriend so she's scared, while she's feeling this way he's waiting for an answer from her and smoking a cigarette, she hears and feels her heart beating fast with excitement of the proposal and future with him and she doesn't want the feeling to ever stop, meaning she doesn't want this to be another "dream". Heart is beating loud, and she doesn't want it to stop" "Chasing it tonight, Doubts are running 'round her head He's waiting, hides behind a cigarette Her current boyfriend is telling her that he's not a dream, that there's nothing to be afraid of he will love her to the end of life even through all the changes in her life, he won't let it change his love for her he's saying that while she's sleeping she has dreams that she really likes and feels and seems very real, but when she wakes up its only a dream, this could also be saying that past relationships seemed so real but then reality kicks in and she gets hurt. "Everything that you've ever dreamed of Disappearing when you wake up he's telling her as he's proposing to her, that they aren't getting younger they are only getting older together and he wants to start a life with her now, he asks her if she's going crazy with how fast the night changes into daylight meaning another day has gone by. She wants to live life to the fullest and have no regrets on things she hasn't done. She is heading for something she'll never forget with him, he plans on proposing to her which will make it something she'll never forget. she's feeling the freedom with her boyfriend, he's driving too fast, living it up. Having no regrets is all that she really wants." "Driving too fast, Moon is breaking through her hair, She's heading for something that she won't forget now that she is an adult she can get the things she has wanted that her mom didn't approve of in the past. She never was able to make her own decisions before. she is old enough to make her own decisions and she's wearing a dress for a date or dance that her mom doesn't like. But wonder I shall no more! I think I have a pretty good idea what the guys were REALLY saying on all of those painfully dreamy dates.Her mother doesn't like that kind of dress Everything she never had she's showing off" Actually I COULD love it more if I only knew what the boys were saying on-camera. Zayn, feed the camera the spaghetti." It's absolutely ludicrous and I couldn't love it more. "OK, Harry, now pretend like you're asking the girl to twirl with you. The hilarity doesn't simply come from the disastrous hijinx at the end of each date - but it's what's going on behind the camera. If that's not enough you can cruise through Hyde Park with Louis and end the night at a carnival with Liam. Or maybe you'd prefer a night in with some board games and a pitcher of Pimm's with Niall. In the mood for a bit of ice skating? Harry all the way. Are you a fancy spaghetti kind of woman? Zayn's got you covered. In "Night Changes," we, the lucky viewer, goes on a different, special date with all of the fellas from One Direction. It's not just masterfully coiffed heads, smooth voices, and bumbly vintage Hugh Grant charm that's the joy of the video here - it's the intentional and completely unintentional humor of the ridiculous clip. Things can't get much better from here." Then One Direction goes and releases a "Night Changes" music video and your day actually gets exponentially better. Sometimes you wake up on any given day and think, "Hey, today is OK.

Night changes video